Recent Posts

settling in,

settling in,

it’s hard to believe i’ve been in japan for one month now – and i still can’t believe i’m actually here. this month has been full of activity, learning, and navigating a new community. 7/10 fellows took an intensive japanese class for three weeks of … read more

a r r i v e.

a r r i v e.

a r r i v e . i have arrived in japan. it feels like it’s been a long time coming, but now that it’s finally here… i – to study in japan has been a d r e a m of mine since i … read more



born is the king of israel (on a cold winter’s night) noel, noel, noel

dream again,

dream again,

as some of you may know from an earlier blog, (what’s next?) i applied for the rotary peace fellowship while on the world race; (and that was a crazy story -) i’ve been hesitant to announce, but a friend reminded me, this story isn’t mine … read more



11 months ago i sat in the boston airport wondering if i would be able to get on that plane to c h i l e – because i didn’t want to go – and now, 11 months later, i’m sitting in the boston airport … read more

it’s dangerous to go alone,

it’s dangerous to go alone,

in the original NES zelda, as you start your quest, an old man says it’s dangerous to go alone, take this! and you get the master sword. because every hero needs a good companion. this is my final team change, leaving world race teams and … read more

a study in grace,

a study in grace,

at the beginning of the race, we were each given a key with a word on it – a word that people had prayed for and felt God gave them for us.   the word on my key? g r a c e.   g … read more

u g a n d a ,

u g a n d a ,

nabbingo, uganda … honestly, i feel so content with this month. we pulled up into nabbingo after about a 12 hour bus ride, meeting our hosts on the side of the street in the dark. pastor moses, who rode with us from rwanda, introduced us … read more

hindsight 20/20,

hindsight 20/20,

i’ve spent most of my life being miserable in the every day, yet somehow looking back with fond memories – and this month i’ve had to wonder how this is possible? i spent the majority of this month struggling through each & every day feeling … read more

you’re forgiven,

you’re forgiven,

you would never know that in 1994 neighbor against neighbor dead bodies lining the streets   1994, it’s hard to place that as recent – until you see the color photos and kids sprawled in the dirt in their nike shoes.   there’s a peace … read more