what’s your plan? there’s this cat – black & white, scruffy & old, b l i n d –
remember the dreams that have faded,
what’s your plan? there’s this cat – black & white, scruffy & old, b l i n d –
i’m a violent person, a hurricane, inverted – calm on the outside, raging storm(s) within
桜。さくら。s a k u r a. for three seasons they carefully prepare, energy preserved & conserved just to bloom for a little over a week and then – g o n e 花見 hanami: flower viewing, a tradition where people gather together and picnic beneath … read more
“//you know americans, they’ll do anything to get what they want, and use their power to do it. they think about themselves and do what’s best for them, not everybody else… well, not you, jaclyn!” [paraphrase] says my classmate from ghana. “that’s one person in … read more
i thought i wanted to write a blog about covid-19. condense some information, sift through the media and news articles and try to put together some kind of truth about transmission, R0, mortality – i thought i wanted to write a blog about covid-19. look … read more
(better late than never, isn’t that what they say?) in october, i was invited to attend the rotary district 2780 conference with my host district 2750 and two other fellows, derek from the U.S. and ousman from gambia, my host district is in odawara, which … read more
i am currently undertaking a masters program. my major is: peace studies. what is that? everyone asks. i’m a semester into the program and you know what? i still don’t know. honestly? i think the fact is no one knows. stan: what is one most … read more
the problem with the world is the magnitude of its problems, richter scale 9 the whole earth t r e m b l e s & s h a k e s, only its not shaking, its seismic, the ground s p l i t … read more
it’s hard to believe i’ve been in japan for one month now – and i still can’t believe i’m actually here. this month has been full of activity, learning, and navigating a new community. 7/10 fellows took an intensive japanese class for three weeks of … read more
a r r i v e . i have arrived in japan. it feels like it’s been a long time coming, but now that it’s finally here… i – to study in japan has been a d r e a m of mine since i … read more