
my mother and i –

c h r o m o s o m e s (pair, 23);

composed cellular [de]construction

 and mothers, mothers –

trace back along the DNA strands

of mitochondrial m i g h t ,

 and my mother,

my mother,

is someone

i haven’t appreciated

for years.

 i never planned to invite her to

the parent vision trip – where parents come onto the field with

us –  (…i’m almost thirty, why would i need

my mother to c o m e ?)

this is my adventure –

and then someone asked me,

what if it isn’t about you?

what if it’s about her?

my mother told me that when the staff

asked her what they could pray for about this trip

before she left, she said:

“that i would understand my daughter’s heart and she would understand mine.”


because if we’re being honest, maybe

we’ve never really understood one another –


& in the last few years i have not

appreciated anything about my mother


 she annoyed me.

everything she did was wrong.

she was just so embarrassing –

but this week?

this week… i saw my mom in a

completely different way.

this week i saw my mom

through God’s eyes.


my mother (the real world racer – )

showing me how it’s done.

she stayed with a host family and in the morning while she

was having coffee, the little seven year old girl came to sit with her.

and then they did that

every single day she was here even

though it meant my mom had to get up earlier-


and the little girl drew her a picture and made

her peanut butter toast and told her about the new

barbie movie and her purse and walked her to the church –


my mom took extra time to make a little girl

in some little town in romania feel known, seen, loved

i m p o r t a n t

and it wasn’t even “ministry.”


it took my mother to remind me

that ministry isn’t 9 – 5

it’s a lifestyle

(it’s p e o p l e)


it’s the way she treats everyone

how she fits in like she’s always been there

how she doesn’t see our walls as something

to keep her out, but just something she might

have to climb over in order to get to you.

having the opportunity to watch her this week

talk with her about the things on our hearts –

i found that –


 all those things that bothered me before,

don’t bother me anymore.

in fact – i love them.

i love the person she is and who

God made her to be


the things i thought were her weaknesses

are actually her s t r e n g t h s –


her b o l d n e s s

(like a sledgehammer)



“you see a problem and move to do something about it.”









“your mom doesn’t take no for an answer.”



“i love your mom.”




“your mom is so freaking cool.”









“your mom could walk in a room and make anyone feel comfortable.”



–  she rolls with the punches and goes with the flow



she is genuine, compassionate, and has such a big heart









this week her concept met my concrete

(but there are no cracks in our sidewalks)


mitochondria: the part of each cell that produces

the energy current (ATP ATP ATP)

& r i b osomes translate mRNA in mtDNA


(wo)men born from the sliver

of a r i b (cage)




(you have my heart and i have yours).

thank you.